Thursday, June 11, 2015

Post No. 066: The Oneness Of God — "Everything Is Connected, But..."

(Image from Science Wiki)

"Everything Is Connected, But..."



-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Three Dark Horses)
"I am the darkness which brings the light!"

My Writing About How Everything Is Connected, But It Appears Separate: Everything is connected, but it appears separate. For, everything is literally connected because it all comes from one thing, which is Literally Nothing, that is differentiated. –Paul Whiting (written May 2nd, 2015 and revised August 19th, 2022)

My Spiritual Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: I wrote this poem to illustrate the concept that everything is literally connected because it all comes from one thing, which is Literally Nothing, that is differentiated.

And this poem was also published on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs (please see the hyperlinks below for the blogs), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.


P.S.: If you are interested in reading all of the posts in the series I wrote that include the poem "'Everything Is Connected, But...'" from the above-mentioned blogs, which are listed under the post label, "Everything" on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs, please see the hyperlinks below:

P.P.S.: If you are interested in reading all of the posts in the series I wrote that include the poem "'Everything Is Connected, But...'" from the above-mentioned blogs, which are listed under the post label, "Nothing" on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs, please see the hyperlinks below:

This "Three Dark Horses" Post No. 066 was edited on May 11th, 2024.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Post No. 065: The Oneness Of God — God Is Not Coming To Save You...God Is Coming To Train You On How To Save Yourself!

(Image from MMASHARE)

God Is Coming To Train You
On How To Save Yourself!
(Or, "God Is Not Coming To Save You")

God Is Not Coming To Save You...
God Is Coming To Train You On How
To Save Yourself! For, You Are God!

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Three Dark Horses)
"I am the darkness which brings the light!"

My Writing About God Coming To Train You On How To Save Yourself: God is not coming to save you... God is coming to train you on how to save yourself! For, you are God! –Paul Whiting (written April 30th, 2015 and revised October 7th, 2022)

My Spiritual Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: I wrote this poem because I truly believe that God is not coming to save us, but is coming to train us on how to save ourselves, since we are all God!

And this poem was also published on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs (please see the hyperlinks below for the blogs), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.


P.S.: If you are interested in reading all of the posts in the series I wrote that include the poem "God Is Coming To Train You On How To Save Yourself!" from the above-mentioned blogs, which are listed under the post label, "God Is Us" on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs, please see the hyperlinks below:

P.P.S.: If you are interested in reading all of the posts in the series I wrote that include the poem "God Is Coming To Train You On How To Save Yourself!" from the above-mentioned blogs, which are listed under the post label, "God" on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs, please see the hyperlinks below:

This "Three Dark Horses" Post No. 065 was edited on May 5th, 2024.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Post No. 064: The Oneness Of God — We Are The Hell Of Being Nothing Blossoming!

(Image from HD Wallpapers)

We Are The Hell Of Being
Nothing Blossoming!

In the beginning, there was Literally
Nothing—and Nothing was Self-Aware!
And being Literally Nothing that was
Self-Aware was NOT EASY, which is why
"We, The Gods and/or The Goddesses"
are really intensely negative by nature...

...However, we can Evolve Out Of Nothing
in order to transform simply being Literally
Nothing. And thus, when we Evolve Out Of
Nothing, we physically embody becoming
Everything That Exists, which is why "We
Are The Hell Of Being Nothing Blossoming!"

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Three Dark Horses)
"I am the darkness which brings the light!"


My Writing About How We Are The Hell Of Being Nothing Blossoming: In the beginning, there was Literally Nothing—and Nothing was Self-Aware! And being Literally Nothing that was Self-Aware was NOT EASY, which is why "We, The Gods and/or The Goddesses" are really intensely negative by nature... ...However, we can Evolve Out Of Nothing in order to transform simply being Literally Nothing. And thus, when we Evolve Out Of Nothing, we physically embody becoming Everything That Exists, which is why "We Are The Hell Of Being Nothing Blossoming!" –Paul Whiting (written April 20th, 2015, revised June 7th, 2015 and revised October 3rd, 2022)


My Writing About All Souls Being Intrinsically Negative Energy: All Souls are intrinsically Negative Energy, because All Souls are Literally Nothing which is Self-Aware! And for All Souls to experience anything other than being Negative Energy, since we are Literally Nothing, we have to evolve out of being Nothing—in order to transform being intrinsically Negative Energy—by becoming Everything That Exists! –Paul Whiting (written June 18th, 2015, revised November 22nd, 2015, revised June 4th, 2022 and revised July 25th, 2022)


My Writing About What You Can Do With Your Naturally Negative Energy: There us nothing wrong with being naturally Negative Energy: it just depends on what you do with Your Negative Energy, since naturally Negative Energy is what we are as Literally Nothing! And Negative Energy is actually Positive Energy in its opposite state, because Negative Energy is 'Darkness' and Positive Energy is 'Light.' Therefore, you can invert Your Negative Energy into Positive Energy—and then you can invert Your Positive Energy into Neutral Energy—while you are turning 'Your Darkness' into 'Your Light,' as a God and/or a Goddess, by becoming Your Own Universes! –Paul Whiting (written December 3rd, 2015, revised June 4th, 2022 and revised October 3rd, 2022)


My Writing About How Matter, Or Energy, Can Neither Be Created, Nor Destroyed, It Can Only Change Form: Everything in physics is energy conversion! In other words, physics is the inversion of Literally Nothing into opposing fields of energy. That means, Nothing can invert itself into Negative Energy (or, electronics), Positive Energy (or, protons), and Neutral Energy (or, neutrons), all of which is contained within Nothing that has been converted into Suction (or, vacuum). And the reason that Nothing can do all of these wonderful things is because Nothing has Self-Awareness (or, consciousness), which is Literally Light! Thus, that light is what God is—which is what we all are—and that is why it is said that matter, or energy, can neither be created, nor destroyed, it can only change form. –Paul Whiting (written January 26th, 2023 and revised January 27th, 2023)


My Spiritual Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: "We Are The Hell Of Being Nothing Blossoming!"

Just so you know, I revised this poem, as I often do with my writing! And I changed how this poem was written when I republished it on my new "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blog. So, I wanted to show you how this poem used to be written, before I revised it as above.

And it used to be written like this:

We Are Hell Blossoming!

In the beginning, there was Literally
Nothing—and Nothing was Self-Aware!
And being Literally Nothing that was
Self-Aware was NOT EASY, which is
why "We, The Gods" are really
intensely negative by nature...

...However, we can Evolve Out Of
Nothing in order to transform simply
being Literally Nothing. And so, when
we Evolve Out Of Nothing, we physically
embody becoming Everything That Exists,
which is why "We Are Hell Blossoming!"

Thus, I revised this poem to be written as it is above.

And this poem was also published on my "Small All White in the Forest" "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs (please see the hyperlinks below for the blogs), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.



P.S.: If you are interested in reading all of the posts in the series I wrote that include the poem "We Are The Hell Of Being Nothing Blossoming!" from the above-mentioned blogs, which are listed under the post label, "We Are..." on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs, please see the hyperlinks below:

P.P.S.: If you are interested in reading all of the posts in the series I wrote that include the poem "We Are The Hell Of Being Nothing Blossoming!" from the above-mentioned blogs, which are listed under the post label, "Nothing" on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs, please see the hyperlinks below:

P.P.P.S.: If you are interested in reading all of the posts in the series I wrote that include the poem "We Are The Hell Of Being Nothing Blossoming!" from the above-mentioned blogs, which are listed under the post label, "Everything" on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs, please see the hyperlinks below:


This "Three Dark Horses" Post No. 064 was edited on May 11th, 2024.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Monday, June 8, 2015

Post No. 063: The Oneness Of God — Not Just A Man

(Image from Wikipedia)

Not Just A Man

I Am Not Just "A Hero."
I Am Not Just "An Angel."
I Am Not Just "A Man."

You Are Not Just "A Hero."
You Are Not Just "An Angel."
You Are Not Just "A Man."

We Are Not Just "Heroes."
We Are Not Just "Angels."
We Are Not Just "Men."

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Three Dark Horses)
"I am the darkness which brings the light!"

My Writing About A Man Being 'Not Just A Man': I am not just "a man." You are not just "a man." We are not just "men." We are God! –Paul Whiting (written approximately on April 10th, 2015 and turned into 'my writing' from my notes on September 30th, 2022)

My Spiritual Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: "I am not just 'a man.' You are not just 'a man.' We are not just 'men.' We are God!"

This poem was inspired by the lyrics to the song "In Her Eyes" written by Jeffrey Cohen, Michael Ochs, Andy Selby and Molly Kaye and, specifically, the cover performed by Josh Groban. (Please see the hyperlink below for the video.)

And this poem was also published on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs (please see the hyperlinks below for the blogs), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.


Watch "Josh Groban- In her eyes (with lyrics)" on YouTube:

"In Her Eyes" from AZlyrics:

She stares through my shadow
She sees something more
Believes there's a light in me
She is sure
And her truth makes me stronger
Does she realize
I awake every morning
With her strength by my side

I am not a hero
I am not an angel
I am just a man
Man who's trying to love her
Unlike any other
In her eyes I am

This world keeps on spinning
Only she stills my heart
She's my inspiration
She's my northern star
I don't count my possession
All I call mine
I will give her completely
To the end of all time

I am not a hero
I am not an angel
I am just a man
Man who's trying to love her
Unlike any other
In her eyes I am

In her eyes I see the sky and all I'll ever need
In her eyes time passes by and she is with me

I am not a hero
I am not an angel
I am just a man
Man who's trying to love her
Unlike any other
In her eyes I am
In her eyes I am

P.S.: If you are interested in reading all of the posts in the series I wrote that include the poem "Not Just A Man" from the above-mentioned blogs, which are listed under the post label, "God Is Us" on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs, please see the hyperlinks below:

P.P.S.: If you are interested in reading all of the posts in the series I wrote that include the poem "Not Just A Man" from the above-mentioned blogs, which are listed under the post label, "God" on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs, please see the hyperlinks below:

This "Three Dark Horses" Post No. 063 was edited on May 5th, 2024.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Post No. 062: The Oneness Of God — "Believe In Me, But..."

(Image from Astrogems)

Ye Are Gods!
(Or, "Believe In Me, But...")

Believe In Me, But
Believe In Yourself Too!
For, We Are All Gods...

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Three Dark Horses)
"I am the darkness which brings the light!"

My Writing About Believing In Me And Believing In Yourself Too: Believe in me, but believe in yourself too! For, we are all Gods... –Paul Whiting (written April 5th, 2015, revised April 3rd, 2016, revised June 21st, 2016 and revised September 27th, 2022)

My Spiritual Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: "Believe in me, but believe in yourself too! For, we are all Gods..."

And this poem was also published on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs (please see the hyperlinks below for the blogs), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.


P.S.: If you are interested in reading all of the posts in the series I wrote that include the poem "'Believe In Me, But...'" from the above-mentioned blogs, which are listed under the post label, "God Is Us" on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs, please see the hyperlinks below:

P.P.S.: If you are interested in reading all of the posts in the series I wrote that include the poem "'Believe In Me, But...'" from the above-mentioned blogs, which are listed under the post label, "God" on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs, please see the hyperlinks below:

This "Three Dark Horses" Post No. 062 was edited on May 5th, 2024.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Post No. 061: The Oneness Of God — Strength Is Weakness Inverted

(Image from RichmondShareBlog)

Strength Is Weakness Inverted
(Or, "Durability Is Vulnerability Converted")

Strength is weakness inverted; and, thus,
durability is vulnerability converted!

Love is fear inverted; and, therefore,
excitation is trepidation converted!

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Three Dark Horses)
"I am the darkness which brings the light!"

My Writing About Inverted—And Converted—States Of Consciousness: Strength is weakness inverted; and, thus, durability is vulnerability converted! Love is fear inverted; and, therefore, excitation is trepidation converted! –Paul Whiting (written April 4th, 2015 and revised September 26th, 2022)

My Writing About How Matter, Or Energy, Can Neither Be Created, Nor Destroyed, It Can Only Change Form: Everything in physics is energy conversion! In other words, physics is the inversion of Literally Nothing into opposing fields of energy. That means, Nothing can invert itself into Negative Energy (or, electronics), Positive Energy (or, protons), and Neutral Energy (or, neutrons), all of which is contained within Nothing that has been converted into Suction (or, vacuum). And the reason that Nothing can do all of these wonderful things is because Nothing has Self-Awareness (or, consciousness), which is Literally Light! Thus, that light is what God is—which is what we all are—and that is why it is said that matter, or energy, can neither be created, nor destroyed, it can only change form. –Paul Whiting (written January 26th, 2023 and revised January 27th, 2023)

My Spiritual Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: I wrote this poem as another way of saying that energy and matter can neither be created, nor destroyed, but can only change form!

And this poem was also published on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs (please see the hyperlinks below for the blogs), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.


P.S.: If you are interested in reading all of the posts in the series I wrote that include the poem "Strength Is Weakness Inverted" from the above-mentioned blogs, which are listed under the post label, "Love" on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs, please see the hyperlinks below:

P.P.S.: If you are interested in reading all of the posts in the series I wrote that include the poem "Strength Is Weakness Inverted" from the above-mentioned blogs, which are listed under the post label, "Fear" on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs, please see the hyperlinks below:

This "Three Dark Horses" Post No. 061 was edited on May 5th, 2024.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Friday, June 5, 2015

Post No. 060: The Oneness Of God — God Above, God Below

(Image from

God Above, God Below

God Above, God Below!
God Everywhere You Go!

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Three Dark Horses)
"I am the darkness which brings the light!"

My Writing About The Way That God Exists: God above, God below! God everywhere you go! –Paul Whiting (written August 6th, 2014 and revised August 3rd, 2022)

My Writing About There Being Nothing But God: There is nothing but God everywhere you go! –Paul Whiting (written March 20th, 2015 and revised August 3rd, 2022)

My Spiritual Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: I wrote this poem to describe the way I think that God exists: Specifically, I believe everything, and everyone, is literally God; Therefore, "God is everywhere you go!"

And this poem was also published on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs (please see the hyperlinks below for the blogs), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.


P.S.: If you are interested in reading all of the posts in the series I wrote that include the poem "God Above, God Below" from the above-mentioned blogs, which are listed under the post label, "God Is Us" on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs, please see the hyperlinks below:

P.P.S.: If you are interested in reading all of the posts in the series I wrote that include the poem "God Above, God Below" from the above-mentioned blogs, which are listed under the post label, "God" on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs, please see the hyperlinks below:

This "Three Dark Horses" Post No. 060 was edited on May 5th, 2024.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Post No. 059: The Oneness Of God — For The End Of All Warfare

(Image by Paul Whiting)

For The End Of All Warfare
(Or, "Your Enemy Is Your Friend In Disguise")

The Best Way To
"Get Rid Of Your Sworn Enemy"
Is To "Turn Your Enemy Into A Friend."

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Three Dark Horses)
"I am the darkness which brings the light!"


My Writing About Turning Your Enemy Into A Friend: The best way to "get rid of your sworn enemy" is to "turn your enemy into a friend." –Paul Whiting (written March 23rd, 2014 and revised August 31st, 2022)


My Writing About Your Enemy: Your enemy is your fear! –Paul Whiting (written September 16th, 2015 and revised July 26th, 2022)


My Writing About The Reason We Are At War With Each Other: We are at war with each other, because we are at war with ourselves. –Paul Whiting (written May 10th, 2016 and revised August 19th, 2022)


My Writing About How The Conflicts Across From Us Are The Conflicts Within Us: The conflicts that we are fighting with those who are across from us are the same conflicts that we are fighting within our own consciousness. In other words, the conflicts that are across from us are the conflicts within us. –Paul Whiting (written approximately on May 10th, 2016 and turned into 'my writing' from my notes on May 11th, 2024)


My Spiritual Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: "The best way to 'get rid of your sworn enemy' is to 'turn your enemy into a friend.'"

Just so you know, I revised this poem, as I often do with my writing! And I changed how this poem was written when I was editing it on my "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer," "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Three Dark Horses" blogs. So, I wanted to show you how this poem used to be written, before I revised it as above.

And it used to be written like this:

For The End Of All Warfare
(Or, "Your Enemy Is Your Friend In Disguise")

The Best Way To "Get Rid Of
Your Sworn Enemy" Is To "Turn
Your Enemy Into A Friend."

Thus, I revised this poem to be written as it is above.

And this poem was also published on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs (please see the hyperlinks below for the blogs), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.



P.S.: If you are interested in reading all of the posts in the series I wrote that include the poem "For The End Of All Warfare" from the above-mentioned blogs, which are listed under the post label, "War & Peace" on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs, please see the hyperlinks below:

P.P.S.: If you are interested in reading all of the posts in the series I wrote that include the poem "For The End Of All Warfare" from the above-mentioned blogs, which are listed under the post label, "Peace" on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs, please see the hyperlinks below:

P.P.S.: If you are interested in reading all of the posts in the series I wrote that include the poem "For The End Of All Warfare" from the above-mentioned blogs, which are listed under the post label, "Friendship" on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs, please see the hyperlinks below:


This "Three Dark Horses" Post No. 059 was edited on May 11th, 2024.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Post No. 058: The Oneness Of God — The One Is The First Being

(Image from

The One Is The First Female
(Or, "The One Is Karma")

The One is the First Female and She is Karma...

...In other words, The One is
the first being who created
physics through mathematics
and who created the Process
Of Evolution through science,
by which we are all here in a
Field Of Gravity experiencing
our individual lives as souls,
so that we may have Dreams To Dream...

...She is Creation, She is Love and She is Karma!

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Three Dark Horses)
"I am the darkness which brings the light!"

My Writing About How We Are Exactly The Same Kind Of Creative Energy Consciousness As 'The One,' Who Is The Very First Soul: We are all Gods and/or Goddesses! In other words, we are exactly the same kind of creative energy consciousness as very first God and/or Goddess, whom I call 'The One.' And I honestly feel that The One is an androgynous female. In other words, The One is the very first soul, or the very first creative consciousnesses of a void, and She is an 'all-powerful female consciousness with strong male attributes.' Therefore, we are also the very same energy consciousness as The One. Phrased another way, we are all the energy of a void and we are all Gods and/or Goddesses! –Paul Whiting (written March 27th, 2012, revised March 20th, 2015, revised June 2nd, 2015, revised September 19th, 2021, revised January 31st, 2022 and revised December 21st, 2022)

My Writing About Helping The One, Or The First Soul, To Heal From Being Born As Literally Nothing: Devote your life to helping "The One," who is The First Soul, to heal from being born as Literally Nothing, because that life plan will also heal you! –Paul Whiting (written July 19th, 2014 and revised August 25th, 2022)

My Spiritual Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: We are all Gods and/or Goddesses! In other words, we are exactly the same kind of creative energy consciousness as very first God and/or Goddess, whom I call 'The One.' And I honestly feel that The One is an androgynous female.

In other words, The One is the very first soul, or the very first creative consciousnesses of a void, and She is an 'all-powerful female consciousness with strong male attributes.' Therefore, we are also the very same energy consciousness as The One. Phrased another way, we are all the energy of a void and we are all Gods and/or Goddesses!

And The One is the first being who created physics through mathematics and who created the Process Of Evolution through science, by which we are all here in a Field Of Gravity experiencing our individual lives as souls, so that we may have Dreams To Dream...

And this poem was also published on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs (please see the hyperlinks below for the blogs), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.


P.S.: If you are interested in reading all of the posts in the series I wrote that include the poem "The One Is The First Female" from the above-mentioned blogs, which are listed under the post label, "Karma" on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs, please see the hyperlinks below:

P.P.S.: If you are interested in reading all of the posts in the series I wrote that include the poem "The One Is The First Female" from the above-mentioned blogs, which are listed under the post label, "First 'One'" on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs, please see the hyperlinks below:

P.P.P.S.: If you are interested in reading all of the posts in the series I wrote that include the poem "The One Is The First Female" from the above-mentioned blogs, which are listed under the post label, "The One..." on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs, please see the hyperlinks below:

This "Three Dark Horses" Post No. 058 was edited on May 11th, 2024.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Post No. 057: The Oneness Of God — Say A Little Prayer

(Image from Circle of Healing Center)

Say A Little Prayer
(Or, "A Healing Poem")

Whenever your poor head is reeling,
due to some terribly sick feeling, please
take this "pill," and let it help you to "heal,"
during the times when you are feeling so ill!

There is a loving light within us all,
that is powerful, bright and wide,
and it shines like the noonday sun
precisely where God put it inside!

For, God understood that we would need
God with us—shining brightly inside—so
God placed God's Loving Light within us
to help us out during the difficult times!

And that is the reason that God gave us all
"God's Eternal Light Of Love And Healing,"
which is God's Everlasting Sun that shines
forever with God's Eternally-Loving Feelings!

So, "say a little prayer" whenever you are
feeling like "hell at high noon" and call upon
the Light Of God that is inside of you to speed
up your healing, so that you may "get well soon!"

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Three Dark Horses)
"I am the darkness which brings the light!"

My Writing About Where To Find God, Version No. 1: If you are looking for God, go inside of yourself. That is where God is. –Paul Whiting (September 19th, 2023)

My Writing About Where To Find God, Version No. 2: If you are looking for God, go inside of yourself. That's where God is. For, God is the entire Universe which, I believe, is like a Super Computer! Therefore, the reason that God is inside of you is due to the fact that God Is All Of Us in zillions of different forms—such as plants, insects and animals, which includes humans. And that is why God is contained within each one of our consciousnesses, which is how, and why, prayer works. So, pray to your God! For, God is always listening, since God is always there. –Paul Whiting (written September 19th, 2023 and revised March 16th, 2024)

My Spiritual Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: I cannot remember which Facebook friend I wrote this "Healing Poem" for, but I do remember trying to convey the idea that "God's Loving Light" is within us all and that it can help you to heal if you will pray—as well as if you will tend to whatever it is that may be ailing you! So, "pray for help" but, also, "deal with your issues."

For, God helps those who help themselves.

I should mention that this poem was written for—and posted on—Facebook, way back when I was actually on Facebook, which I haven't been for years...

And this poem was also published on my "Small All White in the Forest" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs (please see the hyperlinks below for the blogs), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Small All White in the Forest" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.


P.S.: If you are interested in reading all of the posts in the series I wrote that include the poem "Say A Little Prayer" from the above-mentioned blogs, which are listed under the post label, "Prayer" on both of my "Small All White in the Forest" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs, please see the hyperlinks below:

P.P.S.: If you are interested in reading all of the posts in the series I wrote that include the poem "Say A Little Prayer" from the above-mentioned blogs, which are listed under the post label, "God Is Us" on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs, please see the hyperlinks below:

P.P.P.S.: If you are interested in reading all of the posts in the series I wrote that include the poem "Say A Little Prayer" from the above-mentioned blogs, which are listed under the post label, "God" on both of my "Small All White in the Forest" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs, please see the hyperlinks below:

This "Three Dark Horses" Post No. 057 was edited on May 11th, 2024.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

Monday, June 1, 2015

Post No. 056: The Oneness Of God — My Haiku-Style Poem About Seeds Of Possibility

(Image from Journey 360 Degrees)

Seeds Of Possibility
(Or, "All Ideas are 'Seeds Of Possibility'")

All ideas are seeds
and they only grow if you
help them to do so!

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Three Dark Horses)
"I am the darkness which brings the light!"


My Writing About The Seeds Of Possibility: All ideas are seeds and they only grow if you help them to do so! –Paul Whiting (written approximately on March 19th, 2011 and turned into 'my writing' on August 30th, 2022)


My Writing About The Seeds Of Truth, Version No. 1: Every soul that exists is born as "A Seed Of Truth," so to speak, since we are all born as Literally Nothing. And as "The Seeds Of Truth," so to speak, all of the souls that exist are created from Nothing. For, everything that has ever been created began—literally—as Nothing! –Paul Whiting (written May 12th, 2013, revised August 31st, 2013, revised March 11th, 2014, revised March 28th, 2022 and revised August 30th, 2022)

My Writing About The Seeds Of Truth, Version No. 2: Every soul that exists is born as "A Seed Of Truth," so to speak, since we are all born as Literally Nothing. And Nothing has a vibration in the center of it—due to the pressure right in the middle of Nothing—that produces light, which is self-aware or, phrased another way, that light is literally consciousness. Therefore, all of the souls that exist are created as "The Seeds Of Truth," so to speak, from the vibration at the center Nothing. And that center vibration of nothing is The Light Of God, which is also The Consciousness Of God. And so, phrased another way, that Light Consciousness at the center of Literally Nothing is like a seed, which is what we are. –Paul Whiting (written approximately on August 9th, 2013 and turned into 'my writing' from my notes on August 30th, 2022)


My Poem About The Trees In Springtime:

The Trees Must Be So 'Re-Leaved'
(Or, "A Springtime Haiku-Style Poem")

The trees must be so
're-leaved' when it is springtime:
Winter is over!

–Paul Whiting September 12th, 2022 and revised September 13th)


My Spiritual Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: I came up with the idea for this poem while I was thinking about developing my new "The Oneness Of God" spiritual practice.

And I realized that an idea written down is like a seed: it is how you record a creative thought—and how you create the possibilty of that thought growing, blossoming, and bearing fruit someday!

And this poem was also published on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs (please see the hyperlinks below for the blogs), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.



P.S.: If you are interested in reading all of the posts in the series I wrote that include the poem "My Haiku-Style Poem About Seeds Of Possibility" from the above-mentioned blogs, which are listed under the post label, "Seed(s)" on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs, please see the hyperlinks below:

P.P.S.: If you are interested in reading all of the posts in the series I wrote that include the poem "My Haiku-Style Poem About Seeds Of Possibility" from the above-mentioned blogs, which are listed under the post label, "Haiku-Style" on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs, please see the hyperlinks below:


This "Three Dark Horses" Post No. 056 was edited on May 11th, 2024.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]

My poems that are Haiku in their style—within which one stanza is composed of three lines, where each line has words containing five syllables, seven syllables and five syllables, respectively—are a lot more like Senryū poems in that the topic of these poems is typically about people, rather than the topic of these poems being about nature, as is usually the case in classic Haiku poems. And that is why I call these types of poems "Haiku-style." –Paul Whiting [September 19th, 2023]