Monday, March 21, 2016

Post No. 068: The Oneness Of God — God's Eternal Plan Of Salvation!

(Image from All For Desktop)

God's Eternal Plan Of Salvation!

God's Eternal Plan Of Salvation,
For Every Soul, Is To Evolve Out Of
Literal Non-Existence—Or, Literally
Nothing—Literally Forever!

...Because Literal Non-Existence—Or,
Literally Nothing—Is What We All Are:
So, Evolving Out Of Non-Existence Is
A Continuous Effort And That Is
"God's Eternal Plan Of Salvation!"

-Paul Whiting
(a.k.a., Three Dark Horses)
"I am the darkness which brings the light!"

My Writing About God's Eternal Plan To Evolve Out Of Literally Nothing: God's Eternal Plan Of Salvation, for every soul, is to evolve out of literal non-existence—or Literally Nothing—literally forever! –Paul Whiting (written March 20th, 2016, revised March 21st, 2016, revised June 20th, 2022 and revised October 11th, 2022)

My Spiritual Notes:

The reason that I wrote this poem can be summed up with the following statement: I originally thought of the idea for this poem on St. Patrick's Day 2016—and I even published a post for it on that day in preparation for writing a poem to go along with the post, which I finally got around to writing on March 20th, 2016—but, then, I realized that I had decided to stop posting for holidays and special occasions!

You see, on my "Small All White in the Forest" blog where this post was originally published, beginning in January 2013, I tried to create a post for virtually every holiday and special occasion of which I was aware, but I realized by September 2014 that I did not have enough time and energy to continue posting for every holiday and special occasion!

Plus, I also wanted this poem to have more of a "universal appeal" and to not be focused on just one holiday or special occasion... Therefore, I decided to republish this post on March 21st (as in the phrase "3...2...1...Nothing!"), and at 1:23 AM (as in the phrase "1...2...3...Everything!"), because Literal Non-Existence—or, Literally Nothing—is what we all are: So, evolving out of Non-Existence is a continuous effort and that is "God's Eternal Plan Of Salvation!"

And this poem was also published on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs (please see the hyperlinks below for the blogs), since I feel that the message in this poem applies to the message that I am trying to convey through "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer."

This poem was written in Portland, Oregon.


P.S.: If you are interested in reading all of the posts in the series I wrote that include the poem "God's Eternal Plan Of Salvation!" from the above-mentioned blogs, which are listed under the post label, "Eternal" on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs, please see the hyperlinks below:

P.P.S.: If you are interested in reading all of the posts in the series I wrote that include the poem "God's Eternal Plan Of Salvation!" from the above-mentioned blogs, which are listed under the post label, "Salvation" on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs, please see the hyperlinks below:

P.P.P.S.: If you are interested in reading all of the posts in the series I wrote that include the poem "God's Eternal Plan Of Salvation!" from the above-mentioned blogs, which are listed under the post label, "Heaven" on my "Small All White in the Forest," "Poet, Artist and Philosopher" and "Paul Whiting — A Creative Writer" blogs, please see the hyperlinks below:

This "Three Dark Horses" Post No. 068 was edited on May 5th, 2024.

"Poetry is using the fewest words possible in order to describe all that is possible to describe." –Paul Whiting [June 1st, 2022]